Trip to GRE: Start with Vocabulary

Trip to GRE: Start with Vocabulary

In new GRE gives more emphasis on use of the word in sentence rather than only meaning of the word.
Start with Barron 333 high frequency word and practice in  & . Another useful lists are
1. Magoosh 1000 words (Android/ios app) and website
2. Manhattan
3. Kaplan's 900 words
4. GRE high frequency word list
5. Complete any of the list don't forget to try quizlet GRE high frequency words. (Concept of flash cards in randomized manner)


1. Word power made easy by Norman Lewis is most popular vocabulary building book in the world.
2. Princeton Review’s Word Smart series

There are several methods for vocabulary learning:
1. Learn words by using etymology means use word root for learning group of words. Example

2. Group of word of same meaning is the another strategy for learning vocabulary.

Etymology and with groups are the both effective way to absorb vocab. rather than random word learning.

3. Reading article from newspaper and maintain a notebook for newly found word. Newspaper like
The New York Times, The Atlantics, The Economists, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, Arts & Letters Daily

4. Listen audio files and it will increase new word learning incredibly.

5. Use mnemonic means assume your own way of remembering words related to a known picture.
Like veracious mean truthful, then imagine a person ex. your farther, symbol of veracious.
Do you have a brother who is pugnacious or a cousin who is pusillanimous? Associate these descriptive GRE vocabulary words with people in your mind. Creating mental connections will help you master new vocab.

6. Prepare flash cards by yourself only for super troubling word not for all words. Write word in a card and meaning and example in sentence written in lined side of the card.

7. Use dictionary like

1. Word web Dictionary
2. Pocket Oxford dictionary

8. Practice the newly learnt word as much as possible places.

9. Find a study buddy and practice with him.


10. Replace words songs or quotes you know
11. Search, google image search for the word
12. Write the word (alas!!! ignored in most of the time), label in newspaper and magazine
13. Post the top hit list (10 words in a list) where you sit like desktop, table,  and can fix the list when you do workout in gym, bathroom mirror when brush etc. Change the list when completed.


2. Magoosh (must read vocabulary part at least once)
3. Manhattanprep

One last thing reading through a word list and simply try to memorize it is an act of crime. Our brains learn from being challenged. So use your time and learn effectively.
